"Believe in yourself. You earned your spot at the table, you belong there, and you deserve to thrive."
I am a true believer that sharing our stories deeply transforms us, changes the narrative of our community, and heals the world. The #Shareyourstory series is dedicated to highlighting diverse stories of Latinx individuals making a significant difference in their community. Learn more about Gladis' story below!

Name: Gladis Rosana Reyes Pimentel
Pronouns in use: She/her
Work Title (s) (Optional): Research Associate
Favorite Quote: “Entre los individuos, como entre las naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz.” Benito Juarez
Who is Gladis?
I am a Dacamented immigrant from Oaxaca, Mexico. ¡Orgullosamente Oaxaqueña Mixteca!
However, growing up in Oaxaca was hard to be proud of my roots as our indigenous communities experience many forms of discrimination. Now as an adult I wish I spoke Mixteco as well as I understand it because it represents my roots and all that it embodies; the history, richness in storytelling, sacrifice, joy and humble life of mis abuelitos y sus abuelitos.
I immigrated to Woodburn OR with my dad as a 13-year-old, leaving behind my mom, 3 siblings and extended family. After 18 years, I still dream of the day I will see my mom again.
I am also a single parent to a 16mo old who continues to teach me so much about life and love.
Finally, I am passionate about serving patients from behind the scenes, in the laboratory bench as an analytical chemist.
Did you attend college? If so, how did that impact your life?
As an undocumented immigrant without family support (I was here in the US to support them), I didn’t think college was possible for me. “Pero como caído del cielo,” I was awarded the full-ride Act Six leadership scholarship to George Fox University. The first two years were the hardest, I had a hard time asking for help, seeing myself as a leader and believing I belong there. However, I learned a lot about servant leadership, my faith and passion for chemistry. I also met a lot of friends and mentors that supported me and continue to be part of my life to this day.
What has been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?
Growing up with a speech impediment (stutter) and experiencing bullying and insecurities really damaged my self-worth and what I believed myself capable or deserving of. Speech therapy was one of the hardest things I’ve done and even though I still stutter, I’ve learned to not let my speech define my identity.
What is the one thing you are working on daily?
Learning about gentle/connective parenting has brought a lot of healing into my life. I recognize that my parents and their parents did the BEST they could, given their circumstances and information/resources they had, and for that I am thankful.
One piece of advice you wish someone would have given you during college or professional career?
Believe in yourself. You earned your spot at the table, you belong there, and you deserve to thrive.
What is your favorite kind of coffee? (If you don’t like coffee you can include beverages such as atole, tea, champurrado, etc.)
Atole con canela is always going to be a favorite for all the memories it brings and I also enjoy café con canela.
En Solidaridad,