"If someone shuts the door on you find the window, tap on it..."

Work Title (s):Lead College Financial Services Coordinator
Favorite Quote:“Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal”
Who is Ivette? I was born and raised in East Los Angeles, the daughter of a single mother who became legally blind at the age of four years old. My mother came to this country with very little, only hopes and dreams for her children. A selfless woman who cared for her children and grandchildren even though she knew she had little to offer. What she did not know is that the safety, security and love she gave us was more than any of us could ever ask for. The night before I was to leave for college I asked my mother why she cried. And as she looked up at me, took off her glasses and said to me, “soy una ignorante que no te puede ayudar ni con unos centavos en la bolsa. Te vas a estudiar sin un centavo en tu bolsa porque yo no tengo nada que darte.” I rested my head on her lap as I had done hundreds of times in the past. I needed my mother to know everything she had given me. I wiped the tears from my eyes as she rubbed my head and said “Mom, you are amazing. You never let me down you are always there for me when I need a hand up and you have taught me how to be independent and fend for myself. This is why I know I will be ok because I have everything I need inside of me. Do you know how rich I am right at this moment. Yes, I might not have any money in pocket but I have you which is a lot more than a lot of people out there have. Mommy, don’t worry about me I will be just fine please trust in what you have taught me.” My mother currently suffers from Alzheimer’s, she was never able to see me graduate college or receive my master’s degree. However, every day that I walk through the doors of my office is one more day I give myself to my community. My passion for learning, equity in education and serving low-income students fiercely drives my existence. I want to inspire my students to believe that they can do anything they set their minds to if you only believe that they are great! My mother made me believe I was great and that what lived inside of me would benefit this world in a great way. I like to believe that my contributions to the field of education are making this world a better place.
Did you attend college? I was the first in my family to attend college. My older brother who passed away when I was five years old was the father figure in our family. He graduated high school but could not attend college because he had to support our family. My mom was a single mom, disabled and she depended on him to financially support us. His death was devastating, but although I was only five I remember how much he valued education, something he passed down to me. I swore early on that I would go to college and honor his memory by doing something he only longed to do but could never achieve. In 2006 I graduated from the University of California Berkeley with a degree in Rhetoric and Public Discourse. It would be eight years later that I would obtain my master’s degree from California State University, East Bay in Public Administration with a concentration in Organizational Management and Policy Analysis. My education has opened many doors for me and allowed me to live a life of purpose however, my brother’s death and the life he gave up to raise me is what has made the greatest impact on my life. Through him I learned the value of education. And through education I learned the meaning of my life’s purpose.
What has been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome? Life is so unpredictable and as much as I like to plan for the unknown sometimes I do fall short. I am someone that likes to have full control over everything. Over the years, I have learned that I am this way because if something fails the only responsible person would be me. I know that the one person that will never let me down is myself and therefore, being in control feeds my own drive. This can also be challenging because I find it difficult to ask for help. Being able to ask for help has always posed as a challenge for me. I am learning to live and let go however, for someone who is use to trying to control the world around her, this can also be challenging.
What is the one thing you are working on daily? I am a firm believer that one must feed their mind, body and soul. I really try to make sure that I live a well-balanced life and that I spend quality time with those I love the most. My career is my passion and when you love what you do it does not feel like work. However, I had to learn to draw a line between my passion and my family. Both I adore with all my heart. But I must never forget that I must take care of me as well. In order for me to be the best version of myself at home and in the office, I have to take care of me and indulge in things that make me happy and whole independently of work and home. I often ask myself, “what will make Ivette happy right now?” If the answer is as simple as a vanilla latté, I make my way to a nearby Starbucks! I work on me every single day.
One piece of advice you wish someone would have given you during college or professional career? Opportunities come and go, but never be the one to shut the door on opportunity. If someone shuts the door on you find the window, tap on it, and ask them what can you do next time to improve your chances to making it through the door the next time around!
What is your favorite kind of coffee? My favorite coffee drink is an iced vanilla latté from Starbucks!
En Solidaridad,