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Ines Lisbet Peña Anaya


Updated: Oct 5, 2021

“...siempre hay que ponernos las pilas and keep going. ”

I am a true believer that sharing our stories deeply transforms us, changes the narrative of  our community, and heals the world. The #Shareyourstory series is dedicated to highlighting diverse stories of Latinx individuals making a significant difference in their community. Learn more about Ines' story below!

Pronouns:She, Her, Hers

Work Title (s) : Development Coordinator (job), Human Rights Activist (life)

Favorite Quote: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Who is Ines?  I am a proud daughter of two hard working immigrants that despite the obstacles, sacrificed everything they had and crossed the US-Mexico border so my younger siblings and I could have a better life, filled with more opportunities. My purpose in life is to make every ounce of that sacrifice worth it. I am the oldest of four and it is up to me to continue being the role model my parents were for me. My family is a mixed status family making it more complex to go about our everyday life, because immigration does not only impact the person who is undocumented. A mixed status family includes a mixture of some who are citizens, some who are legal permanent residents, and some who are undocumented. Due to the disparities mixed status families like my own have to overcome, my passion for human rights grew. I am a strong advocate for social justice and will do whatever I can to be the voice for those who have been silenced. No matter how hard things get, siempre hay que ponernos las pilas and keep going.

Did you attend college? If so, how did that impact your life?  I am proud to say I am a first-generation college graduate! My parents were not able to get an education past elementary school and that motivated me to work hard to accomplish getting that degree not only for myself and my future but for my parents. Due to their limited education, I was never able to rely on my parents, making it more important that I learn to get out of my comfort zone and seek help from those that had that ability. I learned that el que persevera alcanza and that nothing is impossible.

What has been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?  The biggest challenge I had to overcome was dealing with the fact that not everyone who is intended to support you, will. I know que no soy monedita de oro para caerle bien a tod@s but I never expected to get much push back from the administration for wanting stronger support for the Latinx students. Things became personal and I thought about dropping out several times. However, I knew that if I did, I would be another statistic and the administration would have gotten what they wanted. So instead I was resilient and overcame it!

What is the one thing you are working on daily? I am working on changing my lifestyle and being healthier. I know this will take time but it is essential for my well-being and my performance in everything I do that I am healthy.

One piece of advice you wish someone would have given you during college or professional career? There is always a learning curve when we attempt something new. Being able to know that and accept it will allow for better self-care. Self-care is a must if you want to succeed.

What is your favorite kind of coffee?  I don’t drink coffee very often but when I do, I prefer it be café de olla.

En Solidaridad,





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