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Sarita Amaya


"...Proud to be perfectly imperfect!"

I am a true believer that sharing our stories deeply transforms us, changes the narrative of  our community, and heals the world. The #Shareyourstory series is dedicated to highlighting diverse stories of Latinx individuals making a significant difference in their community. Sarita's commitment to helping students and families in our community makes her an extraordinary leader.


Preferred Pronouns:She, her, hers

Work Title (s):Assistant Administrator for Multilingual Programs, Beaverton School District

Favorite Quote:Conceit is a privilege of the ignorant; the wise man is humble because he knows how little he knows. - Isabel Allende

Who is Sarita?I am a Mexigonian, born in Portland, raised in Hillsboro, Oregon.  I grew up in a bilingual, bicultural household strongly influenced by Mexican and Tejano culture.  The bulk of my childhood memories take place in my  grandparent’s home - a noisy home filled with cousins and siblings - primos-hermanos.  It was a loving home and on any given day you could inhale the  smell of freshly made tortillas coming from the kitchen, see an episode of Chapulín Colorado playing on the TV, hear the sound of nintendo video games coming from the kids room down the hall, and participate in a lucha libre match on the living room floor refereed by Buelita.   Family is important to me and so is having fun!

Did you attend college?If so, how did that impact your life? I completed my undergad at the University of Oregon and received a BA in Planning Public Policy & Management and Political Science.  I completed my graduate work at Arizona State University with a Masters of Education in Curriculum  & Instruction.  Attending college impacted my life in profound ways.  It was at U of O where I became involved in Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Aztlan (MEChA) and United States Student Association (USSA).  My participation in these organizations as a college student helped me develop a stronger sense of self, learn ways to positively contribute to community and affect change through policy, advocacy and activism.

What has been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?My biggest challenge has been overcoming perfectionism.  I have always felt I have needed to be one step ahead.  To be well-prepared, organized and composed - always.  It did not take long in my teaching career to realize this was taking a tremendous toll on my health. Now I know that showing up and putting my best self forward is enough.  Amidst high stress, fast paced, emotionally charged and political environments, I can be still. I can be centered, grounded, mindful, empathetic and compassionate.  I am now proud to be perfectly imperfect!

What is the one thing you are working on daily?Hitting the ground listening.  Especially listening to young people so I may be  instrumental in paving ways for youth to reach their fullest potential.

One piece of advice you wish someone would have given you during college or professional career?Find the humor and the silver lining in situations when things do not go as planned.

What is your favorite kind of coffee? My grandma’s champurrado!

En Solidaridad,






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